Musi Academy

Online Self-Study

Music lessons are the flagship product of Musi Academy. We strive to offer the best possible lesson experience for all students. We aim to provide musical training which is rigorous, thorough, and grounded in traditional tools and techniques. We firmly believe in taking no shortcuts and aim to help our students uplift themselves, mastering each level on their journey to the top. We wish all students to be "Classically Trained" with "Contemporary Competence." Lastly here, but first in our hearts, Musi Academy lessons are fun!

Our lessons are designed to work for everyone. In our beginner students, we instill the best habits and practices from the start. We build on the existing foundation for students who have studied before and give them our signature skills. We probe their knowledge and backfill and assign customized practice. The Musi Method is based on the proven techniques of visualization, solmization–Solfège i.e. do re mi, music theory, performance development, and live performances.

Study at your own pace and on your own schedule. Study the same carefully guided Musi Academy curriculum. Students have the flexibility to switch between self-study and lessons. Learn to play, compose, and improvise music using high-quality instructional videos, related musical repertoire, and exercises with and away from the instrument.